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44 items matching filters

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Too QM or Not‐2‐QM

Steve vonBerg joined a panel to discuss what mortgage executives are thinking, issues they are working through, and best practices for navigating 2023.


Things to Know About Flood Insurance | NAFCU Webinar

Melissa Klimkiewicz and Daniel Bellovin discussed flood insurance compliance from origination through servicing, including regulatory requirements, the private flood rule, and the recently finalized interagency Q&As.


2022 National Flood Conference

Daniel Bellovin joined a panel of industry experts that provided insights on flood insurance regulation and compliance, a review of recent enforcement actions, the impact of Risk Rating 2.0, and current compliance challenges for financial institutions.


Nacha Smarter Faster Payments 2022 Conference

Avi Erdfarb drew upon his regulatory and compliance experience to discuss various sections of the Money Transmission Modernization Act and analyze what it means for businesses and business owners moving forward.